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GOat Milk Soap
Support Critter Barn by purchasing Goat Milk Soap!
Here at Critter Barn our dairy herd has been up to something...
The goats are busy making milk for our goat kids to drink, but also something special:
It's more than just soap. Your purchase of Critter Barn’s Goat Milk Soap goes directly to support the goats who made it, along with all the other animals that call Critter Barn home.
Made by Critter Barn staff, our Goat Milk soap is made from olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter, almond oil, grapeseed oil and of course... Critter Barn Goat Milk!
Stop by the farm during our open hours or call the office at 616-748-1110 to get your Critter Barn Goat Milk Soap today!
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