Check Out: Spring & Summer Class Registration!

Critter Crew
Critter Crew Members,​
Now that you have invested time in our class, and are part of our Critter Crew team, you can choose from the options below to visit the farm and continue to grow.
Remember some basics when you come to volunteer:
dress for the weather - bring a jacket, gloves, hat if needed
wear your logo shirt and jeans, black or khaki pants/shorts
wear tennis shoes or boots
bring snacks, water bottles, sack lunch as needed
work as a team and remember the golden rule
If you have any questions, contact our Programming Coordinator Makayla at or 616-748-1110
Thank you for your dedication and service to Critter Barn!
The animals, our guests, and members of our staff appreciate all you do.

Interested In Joining Critter Crew?​
First, you’ll need to enroll in our 5-day prerequisite class called Critter Camp. In camp you’ll meet our staff and learn about animal care, teamwork, and how our farm operation works.
After graduating from Critter Camp, you may volunteer on our farm throughout the year as a Crew member!

Critter Crew Field Trips!​
We have a new EXCITING opportunity for our Critter Crew members in 2025... Critter Crew Field Trips! Each month we will plan a visit to area farms or agricultural businesses to learn more about farming, animal welfare, and careers in the Ag Industry!
See below for more information.

Critter Crew Shifts​

1) Critter Crew members may register for ONE shift per week. This provides more kids with the opportunity to come to the farm.
2) Volunteer drop-off and pick-up will take place at the white hoop barn located next to the parking lot.
3) If your Critter Crew member is volunteering after school, they may arrive after our 3:00 pm start time. When you arrive, please get checked in with a staff person.
Farm On The Go! Sign-Up:
Join Critter Barn staff and animals as we travel to events
in the community in our Farm On The Go!
Dates, times and locations are listed in the registration below.
We ask that Critter Crew get dropped off at the event location at the start of their shift.
Critter Crew members may do as many FOG events as they would like!
FOG hours count towards earning your red shirt.